KalemisBros Company is a leading company in the field of electronics, specializing in the import and distribution of high quality and innovative products.

With exclusive agencies from leading producers worldwide, our company offers a wide range of products that meet the needs of our customers. With two offices in Greece and one in China, we serve customers all over the world, offering reliable products and high quality services.

Company Profile

KalemisBros Company was founded in 2000 and has grown into one of the most recognizable companies in its industry. Our mission is to provide exceptional quality and service to our customers, while partnering with leading manufacturers of technology-leading products.

Exclusive Representations

Our company has secured exclusive agencies from leading producers of electronic products worldwide.We work with companies such as XXX Electronics, YYY Technologies and ABC Innovations, which are known for the quality and innovation of their products. Our exclusive agreement with these producers gives us the advantage to offer unique products to our customers and maintain a competitive edge in the market.

International presence

With two offices in Greece and one in China, our company has expanded its presence both locally and internationally. Our offices in Greece are centrally located, serving the local market and providing support to our customers. Our office in China allows our company to maintain close relations with our producers and control the quality and production of our products. Our global presence allows us to be flexible and responsive to the needs of our customers around the world.

Product and Services

Our company offers a wide range of products in various categories including consumer electronics,home appliances, telecommunication ipment and industrial products. Our customers can find products such as smartphones, TVs, cameras, electrical appliances,electronic components and more. Our goal is to provide high quality products that add value to our customers and fulfill their needs.

Innovation and Quality

As a company, we are committed to continuous innovation and improvement of our products. We closely monitor technological developments and work with leading manufacturers to bring the most advanced and modern products to market. In addition, quality is a priority for us. All our products are subject to strict quality controls to ensure they meet the highest standards and specifications.

Customer Centric Philosophy

Our customers’ satisfaction is our top priority. We offer excellent customer service and technical support, seeking to resolve any problem or concern our customer may have. Constantly responding to our customers’ needs and maintaining a positive relationship with them is key to our success.

Analysis of Sustainable Development and Innovation Goals

Our company recognizes the importance of sustainable development and innovation as key pillars of success and long-term competitiveness. At the same time, we pay special attention to three important areas: staff training, after-sales policy and future goals and partnerships at an international level.

Staff training

We understand that the success of a company depends on the people who make it up. For this reason, we invest in the education and training of our staff. We provide training programs and opportunities to develop personal skills, technical knowledge and leadership abilities. This allows us to have a skilled and competent staff that is able to cope with the challenges of the market and achieve the company’s goals.

After Sales Policy

The quality of our products and the satisfaction of our customers does not stop with the purchase. We recognize the importance of after sales policy and providing after sales support. We have created a comprehensive customer service system, which includes technical support, spare parts and repairs. We provide quick and effective solutions to problems and provide advice on the proper use and maintenance of our products. In this way, we create a positive experience for our customers and strengthen their trust in our company.


Innovation is a pillar of our corporate strategy. We aim to constantly be pioneers in the market, creating innovative products and services that will satisfy the needs and expectations of our customers. We invest in research and development to discover new technologies, improve our existing products and seek new markets and opportunities. We aim to be the pioneers in revolutionizing our industry and making a positive impact on society.

Expansion to the Market

An important goal of ours is market expansion both domestically and internationally. We are looking for new opportunities to expand into developing markets and other geographic destinations. We promote the strengthening of our relationships with existing customers and seek to win new customers through the quality of our products and services. We are also expanding our network with strategic partnerships and agencies in more regions.


The visibility of our company is important for its development. We invest in promotional and advertising media to increase our market awareness and project our company image as advanced, reliable and innovative. We use the appropriate media and communication channels to reach our goals and maintain a positive image of our company in the public.

Technical Experience

The technical experience we have in our field is a significant advantage and is one of our goals to maintain our competitiveness. We continue to educate our staff and keep up to date with new trends and technologies affecting our field. We ensure that we are familiar with the latest developments and processes, and can provide the highest quality of service to our clients.

Future Goals and Collaborations at an International Level

As part of our future goals, we seek to expand our activities internationally. We are looking for opportunities for collaborations with international partners that can strengthen our presence on a global level. We adapt our strategy to the development of the international market and invest in resources and know-how for successful international competitiveness.

Concluding the presentation of the KalemisBros company, it is important to emphasize that our company develops sustainably and promotes innovation through staff training, after sales policy and future goals and partnerships at an international level. With this approach, we ensure not only our success and growth, but also the satisfaction of our customers and establishing ourselves as a reliable and innovative partner in the electronics industry. KalemisBros Company is a company with a dynamic presence in the field of electronics.

With exclusive dealerships from leading product manufacturers, we offer a wide range of high quality and innovative products. With a presence in various markets and a customer-centric philosophy, we seek to serve our customers’ needs and provide high-quality products and services.
Our commitment to innovation and quality has made us a reliable partner for our customers. In summary, our company aims at sustainable development and innovation, pursuing market expansion and visibility of our company.
Based on the technical experience we have, we invest in the training of our staff to maintain our competitiveness. Finally, we are looking for future collaborations at the international level for the development of our company on a global scale..

Kalemis Bros Awards

New distinction for our company for the years 2019-2021 in the field of electronics.

New distinction for our company for the years 2019-2021 in the field of electronics.

New distinction for our company for the years 2019-2021 in the field of electronics.

We were informed with great joy of our distinction and award from the Shopping Awards institution with the highest rating of 5 stars in the Technology category.

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